Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Feeling Better

I am feeling much better.

My stomach doesn't constantly hurt anymore and my headaches have gone away.

The biggest change I have seen is that my heartburn has gone away.
I have had terrible acid reflux since as long as I can remember. It caused ulcers and was very painful. I've taken vitamins, Aciphex, Prilosec, Tums, and chugged more than my share of Pepto. Nothing ever worked.
I have not noticed any acid reflux it a week or two.
This alone is a large enough benefit to me to remain vegan.

A list of the benefits I have found thus far:
After I eat meals I no longer want to immediately sleep
My acid reflux is GONE
I feel better knowing I am making at least one step toward reducing suffering
I feel healthier
I'm getting better at cooking vegan
I help my friends eat healthier when they eat with me
I save money because I can not eat out

I do think that I will remain vegan. I just do not see how I can return to my old style of meat with every meal. The period of discomfort while my body adjusted made me think that whatever it was my body was getting rid of was not good.
If I returned to eating meat I would have to consciously ignore what I now know about the conditions of the animals I am eating.

We'll see. I still have over a month to go. :)


1 comment:

Ritch said...

I have a...friend who used to be vegetarian, then stopped because she said it upset her too much to think about animals suffering, so she'd rather ignore it and just eat meat.

I lost a lot of respect for her then.